Learn how to code for free with our beginner-friendly programming tutorials.
A low-level, procedural programming language widely used for system programming, embedded systems, and performance-critical applications.
Learn CC++
An extension of C with object-oriented features, used for game development, system software, and performance-intensive applications.
Learn C++Lua
A lightweight, embeddable scripting language commonly used in game development (e.g., Roblox) and embedded systems.
Learn LuaRust
A systems programming language emphasizing safety and performance, often used for low-level programming, web assembly, and secure applications.
Learn RustGO
A statically typed, compiled language designed for simplicity and efficiency, often used for cloud services, microservices, and high-performance applications.
Learn GOC#
A modern, object-oriented language developed by Microsoft, primarily used for Windows applications, game development (Unity), and web services.
Learn C#Kotlin
A modern, statically typed language fully interoperable with Java, widely used for Android development and server-side applications.
Learn KotlinJAVA
A versatile, object-oriented programming language used for building enterprise-level applications, Android apps, and large-scale systems.
Learn JAVATypeScript
A superset of JavaScript that adds static typing, making it ideal for large-scale web applications and improving code quality and maintainability.
Learn TypeScriptPHP
A server-side scripting language used to process data, interact with databases, and generate dynamic content for web applications.
Learn PHPElixir
A functional, concurrent language built on the Erlang VM, ideal for scalable and fault-tolerant applications like real-time systems.
Learn ElixirRuby
A dynamic, object-oriented language focused on simplicity and productivity, popular for web development (Ruby on Rails) and scripting.
Learn RubyPython
A high-level, interpreted language known for its simplicity and versatility, used in web development, data science, AI, and automation.
Learn PythonJavaScript
A programming language that adds interactivity and dynamic features to websites, enabling animations, user interactions, and real-time updates.
Learn JavaScriptCSS
A styling language used to design and format HTML elements, controlling layout, colors, fonts, and responsiveness for visually appealing web pages.
HTML is the core language for structuring web content using tags, enabling browsers to display text, images, and links. It works alongside CSS and JavaScript to create functional and visually appealing websites.
Learn HTML